With a long-term track records in Onixasset since 2015, the portfolio management team has been providing efficient and
cost-effective exposure to a variety of different commodity benchmarks. The Team seeks to add value in commodity markets
through identifying market inefficiencies and price dislocations. The philosophy includes a conservative approach to
managing the underlying cash-collateral portfolio in order to preserve the diversification and inflation-protection
qualities of the asset class.
Few examples of commodities are; Gold, Copper, Silver, and Platinum. The United state Metal Exchange announced it would
launch futures contracts for metals used in batteries. The exchange expect there, will be a large market for such metals
as the demand grows for electric vehicles. Through various fund structures and separate accounts, the team offers a broad
range of managed commodities solutions enhanced index, active management, and absolute return strategies in order to meet
each investor’s unique appetite and investment goals.